While We Slept
I was awakened this weekend to the sound of the trumpet’s alarm, and immediately this scripture came to my mind: Blow ye the trumpet in...

A Note from the Leadership of ZDC
Apostle’s fast this year has been accompanied by an unprecedented amount of spiritual demand and activity. As a matter of fact, we are...

Grief and the Subconscious, Part II
I experienced three major losses this year. One was an apostolic and prophetic pioneer. She lived to the age of 97. She planted churches;...

Grief and the Subconscious, Part I
During seasons of protracted fastings, I am often escorted by the Spirit through prayers and intercessions (in a language and dialect...

An Extravagant Fertility
Genesis 29:31 | I was awakened this morning, cognizant of feeling very full and heavy, however, I knew I had not eaten anything. As I...

Fasting Produces Spiritual Sensitivity
Hebrews 4:15 | The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me today regarding the hyper-sensitivity that is required to participate and facilitate...

So Great a Cloud of Witnesses
Hebrews 12:1 | Years ago I had an apostolic assignment in the Carolinas. Many who have frequented our house and been a part of our...

Godly Sorrow that Yields Repentance
2 Corinthians 7:9 | Many in the Body of Christ have not experienced the kind of repentance that the call of God necessitates and His...

Therefore Let Us Not Sleep
1 Thessalonians 5:6-8 | As I was in twilight sleep I was aware that I was in something likened to a coma – aware of what was occurring...

Angelic Messengers
Daniel 8:15-16 | As many know, my physical discipline of exercise is swimming. I do my cardio and pilates in the water. We have a...